Monday, 26 December 2016

During travelling

Today I am going to say a few words regarding what could be helpful during travelling and back-packing.

  1. During travelling, I set an amount of 30 euros per day and this makes it very easy with regards to saving money. Sometimes you spend more than your budget but during other days you can make up for it. However, if you are not on a budget then you can spend as much as you like. 
  2. Also one thing that impressed me, were the free walking tours. Free walking tours are like normal tours but without payment. So you attend the tour and in the end you can leave without giving anything or just giving them a tip. In this way you can enjoy the tour without thinking about the amount that you have paid for it. Some may say that the free tours are not that good. However, this is a lie. The tour guides are qualified or very well informed about the events that they are talking about and they also provide tips on restaurants, bars and anything else you want, and they are always happy. 
  3. Finally in terms of food and beverages, I always like to go where everyone else does not. I do this because one day I was in Prague and I wanted to taste traditional food and I dined in one touristic restaurant that was to expensive for the quality that they provided and it was one of the worst restaurant experiences that I have ever had. However, sometimes many restaurants are very famous due to their quality and therefore these are usually a safe choice because they provide good service, and food for a reasonable price. These are Michelin star or fine dining restaurants or famous patisseries.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Overall, I hope that all the aforementioned will be helpful and useful in terms of your personal experiences around the globe.

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